Sales and Distribution Partners to Service Smaller Municipal Water and Wastewater Accounts

Peroxygen Solutions is proud to introduce two companies that have added PAK®27 to their product lines. Both companies have been supplying products to municipal water and wastewater treatment facilities for many years and are able to offer both technical assistance

Posted in What's New

Nuisance Algae?

I recently saw the attached cartoon (thank you Sidney Harris) that put my creative juices flowing.   It touched one of my “hot buttons”. Concurrently I encountered in two professional water journals, written by two well respected lake authorities, articles

Posted in Cyanobacteria or Green Algae?

“The Water Column”- Management by Walking Around

If you’re as old as I am you will remember the term “management by walking around” (MBWA), which refers to a style of management tracing its origins in the 1970s to Hewlett-Packard’s management practices and later by Tom Peters and

Posted in Monitoring

“The Water Column”- Monitoring and Managing (part 2)

This is a continuation of our earlier post – Monitoring and Managing. We introduced what we should be sampling for and why in the first blog. This entry will discuss where, how, and how often sampling should be done. This

Posted in Monitoring

PAK®27 Obtains Organic Listing

Peroxygen Solutions, along with our manufacturer, Solvay Chemicals, Inc., is pleased to announce that PAK®27 Algaecide, has been listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use as a pesticide in certified organic production. PAK®27 is completely biodegradable. It

Posted in What's New

“The Water Column”- Monitoring and Managing (part 1)

“Environmental management can’t wait for scientific certainty”-  Ragnar Elmgren Dr. Elmgren’s quote sets the tone for discussion of source water quality issues in our lakes and reservoirs, and the need for continuous monitoring to understand dynamic lake ecosystems. Sampling and

Posted in Monitoring

An Introduction to “The Water Column”

This column is all about you… and your water… your reservoir, lake, pond, lagoon, or whatever the nature of your water impoundment. Every water impoundment is it’s own ecosystem and like it or not they are “Algae Incubators”.  By definition,

Posted in What's New

Peroxygen Solutions and SePRO Alliance to Better Serve the Total Aquatic Marketplace.

Peroxygen Solutions has joined forces with SePRO Corporation to make PAK®27 more available for all segments of the aquatic marketplace. PAK®27 Distribution Peroxygen Solutions will continue to market and supply PAK®27 to all US municipal drinking water systems, wastewater…

Posted in What's New

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